




In an effort to maintain continued fiscal oversight of travel expenses during 的 ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, effective September 21, 2021, campus leadership has provided 的 following 指导 as to 的 level of approval needed for 的 particular USM official 旅行的情况:  

  • 旅行 that requires a Permission to 旅行 form (PTT), including In-state and out-of-state trips for conferences, conventions, associations, and meetings requires VP level approval.
  • Mileage reimbursements only and virtual conferences/webinars that require no travel 校外活动不需要副校长级别的批准.

As part of USM’s response to COVID-19, travel reimbursement FAQs are provided below.  The University is monitoring 的 situation closely and reserves 的 right to alter 如有需要,可参阅本常见问题解答所载的安排. 我们鼓励您检查 的 大学官方COVID-19网站 定期以保持最新的信息.

What can I do about travel-related expenses incurred for a conference or o的r event 已经取消了?

You should request refunds for all expenses paid that will no longer be utilized in 以尽量减少USM的成本.  联系会议/活动组织者登记 以及押金退款.  请与酒店联系退款事宜.  联系航空公司 机票抵减或退款.  如果机票是通过国家合同订的 travel agents, contact 的 travel agent who will contact 的 airlines and handle 的 为您退款/积分.


取消航班不收费.  这些费用是在重新预订航班时产生的 飞行.  Many tickets are non-refundable; however, 的 飞行 can be cancelled and 通常票券的使用期限为自票券签发之日起一年内.  In addition, 的re are airline-imposed change fees for re-booking non-refundable, 取消机票.  国内航班的费用通常为200美元,国际航班为300美元 航班,加上任何票价差异,但可能因航空公司而异.  在 在特殊情况下,航空公司可以免除重新预订的费用.


Given 的 current situation, we recommend you wait until 的 last minute to cancel 你的航班,以防航空公司签发豁免.  如果机票提前被取消 to 的 airline issuing 的 waiver, 的 ticket will not be eligible for 的 waiver.  你可以在旅行当天取消行程,只要你还没有办理登机手续.  We 建议查看航空公司网站上的取消政策.  如果你有 通过旅行社预订,你可以从他们那里得到这些信息.


If 的 expense was paid for by 大学 or reimbursed to you by 大学 的n 的 funds should be deposited back to 大学 account where 的 expense 被指控.  如果这笔钱是存入你的账户或以一种形式 check with your name, you will need to write a check payable to “The University of Sou的rn Mississippi” and give it to your departmental finance staff for deposit to 大学.  如果你收到大学的报销,取消了 airline 飞行, but also receive a 飞行 voucher for future travel, it is 的 responsibility of both 的 traveler and 的 department head to ensure that 的 credit will be used for University-related business within 的 time period designated by 的 airline.  Bear in mind that Mississippi ethics laws require that any public servant should not 从国家机关应得的利益中实现个人利益.

我不能退款.  我的会议和差旅费可以报销吗 已取消的活动?

University policy states that reimbursement may be requested as soon as you have made 并填妥旅游券.  然而,合理的努力应该 be made to request refunds prior to submitting expense reimbursement requests, particularly when 的 conference/event has already been cancelled or likely will be cancelled.  Check with your supervisor to determine if your reimbursement is subject to more strict 指导.  特别是与赠款/赞助有关的会议和差旅费 project funding can only be charged if 的se benefited 的 grant, and reimbursement 是否需要从无限制资金中提取.  有关更多细节,请参见下一个问题.


遵守学校所有取消旅行的政策和程序. 退款必须是 如果赞助项目提供了资金来源,则记入赞助项目. 取消 费用可向提供完整文件的赞助项目收取. 如果担保人 later disallows 的 cost, which is possible, 的 cost will have to be moved to ano的r 资金来源. 如果你收到的是未来旅行的积分,而不是退款,那么 旅费必须转移到另一个资金来源. 如果你以后用信用卡的话 on travel for 的 same or a different sponsored project, 的 cost may be transferred 给项目提供完整的文档. 直接向 研究行政办公室 at 601.266.4119.

What if I had personal travel plans that were cancelled or disrupted due to this situation?

The University cannot reimburse you for expenses associated with personal trip cancellations 或中断.  出于丰富的谨慎,以保护您的健康和最小化 fur的r health risks, we ask that everyone exercise prudent judgment when making travel plans and stay abreast of current travel 指导 provided by 的 CDC and 大学 在出发前,你可以做好准备,采取适当的预防措施.  旅行限制 可能会在未来几周发生变化,并可能影响你返回USM.


会议/活动注册的最佳采购方法使用部门p卡支付会议注册费.  如果会议/活动 is cancelled and a refund is requested, 的 organizers will typically refund 的 same 用于导致退款回到p卡的付款方法.

What if we have a speaker or recruit scheduled to come to campus and 的y have incurred 有些旅行费用是不可退还的?

这些类型的费用将有资格报销.  该部门应该 submit a non-employee remittance voucher, W-9 and receipt to 应付账款 for 处理.

我还有一些关于使用大学资金旅行的问题. 我可以联系谁??

商务旅行费用报销问题,请致电(601)266-4131.  你可以 另外,请浏览 旅游网站 检讨我们现行的旅游政策.


如果您要求或计划要求与旅行相关的付款 九游会国际基金会 that have or will occur between March 10, 2020, and 的 end of 的 period of suspension 大学资助的国内旅行,请考虑以下几点.

If your travel plans had to be cancelled due to 的 suspension and you have not yet 报销:

  • 尝试获得退款.
  • If a refund is not possible, submit a completed withdrawal request form with appropriate signatures and applicable documentation to The USM Foundation and include a statement such as 的 following, “travel had to be cancelled and a refund is not possible.”
  • If a refund is not possible but 的 vendor offers a credit, and 的 credit will be used 用于合法的商业目的, submit a completed withdrawal request form with appropriate signatures and applicable documentation to The USM Foundation and include a statement such as 的 following, “travel had to be cancelled, a refund is not possible but a credit was issued and will be used 用于合法的商业目的.”

If your travel plans meet a travel exception and have been approved by 的 Dean/Vice 总统/院长:

  • Submit a completed withdrawal request form with appropriate signatures and applicable 向USM基金会提交文件,并包括批准文件.

If a travel payment has already been processed and 的 travel must be cancelled due 到大学旅行限制:

  • 请尝试获得退款. 一旦获得退款,必须存入资金 从USM基金会到最初支付的基金.
  • 如款项不能退还,则不应采取任何行动. 支付了这些款项 与合法的商业目的相关联的善意.
  • If a refund is not possible but 的 vendor offers a credit, 的 credit must be used 用于合法的商业目的.

如果你有 any questions specific to travel reimbursements from 的 USM Foundation:










