



第九章小组/小组成员每年[联合或根据其各自的职责]接受培训 各自的角色). This training includes, but is not limited to:

●        The scope of the University’s Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures

●如何进行调查和聆讯,以保障投诉人的安全 and Respondents, and promote accountability


●        Disparate treatment and impact

●        Reporting, confidentiality, and privacy requirements

●        Applicable laws, regulations, and federal regulatory guidance

●        How to implement appropriate and situation-specific remedies

●        How to investigate in a thorough, reliable, and impartial manner

●        How to uphold fairness, equity, and due 过程

●        How to weigh evidence

●        How to conduct questioning

●        How to assess credibility

●        Impartiality and objectivity


●        The definitions of all offenses

●如何应用大学关于同意(或同意)的定义 一致(一致地、公正地、一致地)同意的缺乏或否定 政策

●如何进行调查和申诉程序,包括听证会; appeals, and informal 解决过程es

●如何通过避免对争议事实和冲突的预先判断来公正地服务 兴趣和偏见

●        Any technology to be used at a live hearing

●        Issues of relevance of questions and evidence

●相关的问题,创建一个公平总结的调查报告 相关的证据

●如何确定对一切形式骚扰的适当制裁 and/or retaliation allegations


All Pool members are required to attend these trainings annually. 使用的材料 to train all members of the Pool are publicly posted. 

第九章协调员监督大学第九章性行为的实施 Harassment Policy and Grievance Procedure. The 第九条协调员 has the primary 负责协调学校有关录取、调查、 解决和实施支持性措施,以制止、纠正和预防 sexual harassment and retaliation.

第九条协调员审查每个报告并:(1)对任何紧急健康问题作出反应 或者报告提出的安全问题,包括决定是否提供初步支持 measures for all parties; (2) offer the institution’s immediate support and assistance; (3)评估报告的性质和情况,以确定是否 reported conduct rises a potential 政策 violation.

副协调员协助第九章协调员执行大学的 第九条 Sexual Harassment Policy and Grievance Procedure. They assist with implementation 支持性措施. The Deputy Coordinator can also act as the Hearing Facilitator during the formal grievance 过程.

听证会助理员在正式听证会上负责:房间的后勤 various parties/witnesses as they wait; flow of parties/witnesses in and out of the hearing space; ensuring recording and/or virtual conferencing technology is working 按预期.   

九游会国际调解员可以在这些情况下充当调解员 an informal option has been selected as the method of complaint resolution.

这些人员接受过一般调解情景的培训和专门培训 涉及性骚扰,跟踪,家庭暴力指控的调解, dating violence or sexual assault.

性骚扰调查小组(SHIP)由大学员工组成 他们代表了大学的各个阶层,包括教职员工和 九游会国际.

SHIP调查员由第九条协调员指定,负责开展可靠的、 迅速、公平、公正地调查性别歧视和基于性别的歧视 不当行为报告,包括识别和采访当事人和证人; identifying, organizing, and compiling relevant information; maintaining accurate and thorough investigation records and notes; and writing clear, concise, and comprehensive 调查报告.

第九条协调员确保指定的船舶调查员为任何特定的 有相应的案例知识和培训(符合要求) 《九游会国际》第34条第106条.45 b(1)(iii)) and are free from conflicts of interest or bias for or 在案件分配之前,与所报告的事件有关的任何一方 as soon as a conflict is apparent.


九游会国际将指定一名听证官/决策者 for each formal grievance hearing. The Hearing Officer/Decision-Maker will not have had any previous involvement with the investigation.

听证官/决策者是有权作出决定的个人 whether or not institutional 政策 was violated in accordance with the specified 证明标准,并确定适当的补救措施和纠正措施/制裁. 聆讯主任/决策者将协助进行现场聆讯,包括 允许当事各方向另一方及任何证人询问一切有关问题 and follow-up questions, including those challenging credibility.

听证主任/决策者接受过适当的培训(符合要求) 《九游会国际》第34条第106条.45 b(1)(iii)) and must be free from conflicts of interest or bias for or against any party involved in the reported incident(s).


顾问是由任何一方选择的个人,在整个机构中协助他们 解决过程. The parties may each have an Advisor of their choice present with 决议过程中的所有会议、面试和听证会,如果 他们选择了. The parties may select whomever they wish to serve as their Advisor as long as the Advisor is eligible and available.

顾问可以是朋友、导师、家庭成员、律师或任何其他个人 在整个决议过程中,一方选择向他们提供建议、支持和/或咨询 过程. The parties may choose 顾问 from inside or outside of the University’s 社区.

第九条协调员还将为任何一方指派一名训练有素的顾问 如果当事人愿意的话. If the parties choose to accept the Advisor from the University, 该顾问将接受大学的培训,并熟悉大学的政策 解决过程.

按照U.S. Department of Education regulations under 第九条, a form 听证过程中需要进行间接询问,但必须由 政党的顾问. The parties are not permitted to directly question each other or 任何证人. If a party does not have an Advisor for a hearing, the University will 任命一名训练有素的顾问,负责对下列问题进行有限的询问 the other party and witnesses. 


A single Appeal Officer will review appeal requests. All parties have an equal opportunity 上诉. The Request for Appeal will be forwarded to the Appeal Officer for consideration to determine if the request meets the grounds for appeal.

以前没有上诉小组成员参与这一过程,包括任何 dismissal appeal that may have been heard earlier in the 过程.

 上诉官员将接受适当的培训(符合 34 CFR§106.45 b(1)(iii)) and be free from conflicts of interest or bias for or against any party involved in the reported incident(s).

合规和道德办公室监督整个九游会国际的大学合规培训 employees (faculty, staff, adjuncts and affiliates) and students. 这包括培训 第九章. 

 For additional information, see 合规及道德训练. If you have questions about the training, please email compliance@cengizyazar.com.

第九条办公室提供关于性侵犯、约会等关键问题的培训 暴力,家庭暴力,跟踪,性骚扰等等——在学生中, 教职员工. For more information about trainings, call the 第九条办公室 at 601.266.6804 or email our 第九条协调员, Ms. Cristin Reynolds, at cristin.reynolds@cengizyazar.com.  




Hardy Hall Room 332 (Monday 10 a.m. -2 p.m. 或预约)







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