
Social Work Institutes Centers



Wraparound is a planning process that follows a series of steps to help children and their families realize their hopes and dreams. It is a planning process that gathers individuals from different parts of the entire family’s life. 在 facilitators, the group works together toward coordinating activities and blending their perspective of the family’s situation.

Though every family’s situation is different; wraparound may look different from one family to another however the process of wraparound should always be driven by the 同样的10条原则.

  • 家庭声音和声音
  • 个性化的
  • Strength-Based
  • 自然的支持
  • 协作
  • 无条件的关怀
  • 以社区为基础的
  • 文化主管
  • 团队
  • 这类基于结果的

High Fidelity Wraparound is also always based on 4 key elements.

  • Grounded in a Strengths Perspective
  • 潜在需求驱动
  • Supported by an Effective Team Process
  • 按家庭决定


Mississippi will lead the nation with professionals who are well trained and dedicated to providing high-fidelity Wraparound that results in empowerment and real-life solutions 对家庭来说.

的 Mississippi Wraparound Institute is a partnership between 的 University of Southern Mississippi’s 社会工作学院, Division of Medicaid, and Mississippi Department 心理健康. 的 institute was developed to assist the State of Mississippi and the State’s child-serving agencies and their identified partners with efforts to (1) accomplish successful development of integrated systems of mental and behavioral health that follow the principles of the high-fidelity Wraparound model and (2) successfully implement and sustain Wraparound facilitation as a service.


To provide support and resources to child serving agencies that utilize high-fidelity Wraparound principles and philosophies, and our community and state partners.

Dr. 苏珊·赫斯托斯基博士.D.,城市垃圾,城市垃圾

Nationally Certified Wraparound Coach/Trainer


Mississippi Wraparound State Specialist


Nationally Certified State Partners

Beth Conerly, Nationally Certified State Trainer / Coach

Vanessa Huston, Nationally Certified State Trainer / Coach
Choices Coordinated Care Solutions

Wraparound Wednesday (Virtual: 9am - 12pm)

Introduction to Wraparound (Virtual) - TBA

Engagement in Wraparound (Virtual) - TBA

For more information, send an email to wrap@cengizyazar.com. 

Introduction to the Wraparound Process

的 first training in the series for frontline wraparound practitioners, supervisors, and directors as well as community partners who may participate in a child and family 团队过程. Through attendance at this 3-day training, participants will be able to:

  • Gain an understanding of the critical components of the Wraparound process in order to provide high-fidelity Wraparound practice.
  • Practice these steps of the process to include eliciting the family story from multiple perspectives, reframing the family story from a strengths perspective, identifying functional strengths, developing vision statements, team missions, identifying needs, establishing outcomes, brainstorming strategies to create a plan of care and crisis plan representing the work of the team and learn basic facilitation skills for running 一个全面的团队会议.

Engagement in the Wraparound Process

的 second training in the series for frontline wraparound practitioners, supervisors, and directors as well as community partners who may participate in a child and family 团队过程. Through attendance at this one day training, participants will be able to:

  • Identify barriers to engagement
  • Develop skills around engaging team members and the family
  • Utilize research-based strategies of engagement for increased positive outcomes for 青年及其家庭. 


的  third training in the series for frontline Wraparound practitioners, supervisors, and directors to enhance their skills and move toward higher quality practice. 常见的 implementation challenges are addressed in this training.


Provided for supervisors/managers in Wraparound. Through attendance at this 1-day training, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate increased knowledge and understanding of the role of a supervisor in quality 概括的实现.
  • Utilize supportive tools to develop quality wraparound practitioners, individualized and strength based service plans and 团队过程es.
  • Transfer knowledge and skills to the workforce.

Technical Assistance/Workforce Development Services

  • 机构的支持者
  • 训练课程
  • CFTM观察
  • 课程开发
  • DMH Agency/Provider Registration/Certification
  • State Wraparound Facilitator Certification
  • 数据收集
  • Integrating Wraparound in the BSW program curriculum
  • Supervisors' Learning Collaborative

请求TA: Wrap@cengizyazar.com

For individualized concerns, please refer to your supervisor.





Social Work Institutes and Centers



