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The Steps to Pursuing Your Music Career

所有未来的音乐专业学生都必须向大学申请并参加面试 of their choice of degree plan. Service Awards in the School of Music are available to music majors and non-majors.


Step 1

Apply to the University. 所有学生都被要求首先向招生办公室提交申请 before scheduling an audition.



Step 2

Complete your Audition Form. Please click the link below to begin.

REGISTER FOR YOUR Audition now         


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Audition Requirements 


AUDITION Requirements 



管乐选手的试音安排在周一至周五(节假日除外)。. 试演包括所有的大调音阶,半音阶,准备好的独奏或练习曲, and sight-reading. You will be informed of your audition results by letter in the middle to late spring.  鼓线,护色,和特征旋转者试镜要求 will be communicated once you have signed up for your audition. All music majors and 未成年人必须与相关乐器的教授联系以安排服务 award auditions.

See all requirements


未来的声乐专业应该准备好两件精美的艺术作品.  Non-majors 希望参加该计划的人应准备一件.  A pianist will be provided.

  • Schedule an audition by filling out the form.
  • 如果所有的预定日期都不能满足您的日程安排,您可以联系 Choral Activities Office at 601.266.4892 or email the Director of Choral Activities at Gregory.FullerFREEMississippi.
  • 音乐专业的学生必须准备两首歌曲为合唱/声乐教师演唱. One of those selections must be of the fine arts/classical style. The other piece may be in the style of your choosing.
  • 非专业学生参加合唱活动必须唱一首. It is preferred that this piece be of the fine arts/classical style.
  • 海选还将包括简单的声乐练习和视读.
    在特殊情况下,可以接受以电子方式提交的海选 for those who are unable to travel to campus. A follow-up letter will be mailed to confirm results of each audition.
  • 奖学金以服务的形式提供给学生(歌手和钢琴家) AWARDS. 音乐专业的学生,非音乐专业的学生,本科生和研究生 eligible to receive these stipends.
  • 参加大型合唱团(南方合唱团,音乐会合唱团,女子合唱团, 或南方男小姐,包括哈蒂斯堡合唱联盟)是主要要求 of these scholarships.
  • 每年举行多次试镜日,以确定下一个秋季的奖项. 每个日历年颁发奖项,如果符合要求,可以续期.
  • 服务奖是根据学生的音乐能力和潜力颁发的, 教师的推荐,愿望和态度,以及学生的需求. Awards 一般从每年400美元到2000美元不等,有效期长达5年 更高的奖项提供给真正优秀的音乐专业学生. Awards are made to students of all majors.
  • 九游会国际提供额外的财政援助 academically talented students. Students with special financial needs should call The University’s Financial Aid Office at 601.266.4774 or by visiting


试镜规范适用于未来的爵士研究专业,但也可能 适用于对爵士乐项目感兴趣的非专业人士 希望能参加试镜,希望能获得爵士参与奖学金. All students 包括那些希望参与爵士项目的非专业学生将在 秋季学期的开始安排在组合和大乐队一起 majors. 下面的列表旨在帮助我们了解每个学生的能力 in the jazz idiom. Not everyone will be able to do everything on the list, but it 试镜给我们带来的方方面面的努力和准备是否重要 准确描绘每个学生在专业上的成功潜力. 

  1. 从建议的列表中选择标准爵士乐曲目
    tunes. 演奏应该包括你对旋律和旋律的诠释
    improvised solo. Suggested tunes may include blues pieces.
  2. 开放选择由未来的学生来展示他们的音乐 abilities are strongest. This selection may be fully notated and does not have to 做一件爵士乐作品,但强烈建议做一些反映爵士乐影响的作品. 从你的爵士乐队音乐或爵士练习曲的特色部分,如发现在爵士 Conception by Jim Snidero are also good choices.
  3. 大音阶及相关的调式和琶音,由听音者选择12个调中的任意一个.
  4.  Easy level sight-reading.

Suggested Repertoire:

  • Satin Doll (Ellington)
  • Autumn Leaves
  • Billie’s Bounce (Parker)
  • I’ve Got Rhythm (Gershwin)
  • Cotton Tail (Ellington)
  • Summertime (Gershwin)
  • Four (Miles Davis)
  • Blue Bossa (Kenny Dorham)
  • Straight, No Chaser (Thelonious Monk)
  • Work Song (Nat Adderly)

Aebersold on the website: 你可以用预先录制好的伴奏或你的听众来表演 can provide accompaniment.


  1. 使用主音表(旋律和和弦)的标准爵士曲调的低音实现 符号)摇摆风格行走四分音符,波萨诺瓦风格,桑巴或其他拉丁 style is optional.-(prepared)
  2. 低音线实现在不同风格的标准爵士曲调由听众提供 at the time of the audition from list of suggested tunes.
  3. Bassline realization on a jazz style blues progression.
  4. 鼓励但不要求:表演一段爵士乐队的音乐, or solo transcription, jazz etude (e.g. Snidero Jazz Conception) or original composition that best demonstrates your abilities. Improvise on any of the above of #’s 1,2,3.


  1. Chord voicing realization of a standard jazz tune -(prepared),
  2. 标准爵士曲调的和弦发声实现由听众提供 time of the audition from list of suggested tunes.
  3. 从建议的曲调列表中选择标准爵士乐曲目. 表演应该包括你对旋律的诠释和即兴独奏. Suggested tunes may include blues pieces. This selection may be the same piece used in #1.
  4. 钢琴-在不变的主和弦上变化的声音(最少3个音符). These voicings 可以包括一些扩展,不需要包括和弦的根. You 可能会被要求用左手和右手来证明这些.
  5. 吉他-在未改变的主和弦上不同的声音(至少3个音符). These voicings 可以包括一些扩展,不需要包括和弦的根.
  6. 开放选择由未来的学生来展示他们的音乐 abilities are strongest. This selection may be fully notated and does not have to 做一件爵士乐作品,但强烈建议做一些反映爵士乐影响的作品. 从你的爵士乐队音乐或爵士练习曲的特色部分,如发现在爵士 Conception by Jim Snidero are also good choices.
  7. 大音阶及相关的调式和琶音,由听音者选择12个调中的任意一个.
  8. Easy level sight–reading of both notes and chord symbols.

Suggested Repertoire:

  • Satin Doll (Ellington)
  • Autumn Leaves
  • Billie’s Bounce (Parker)
  • I’ve Got Rhythm (Gershwin)
  • Cotton Tail (Ellington)
  • Summertime (Gershwin)
  • Four (Miles Davis)
  • Blue Bossa (Kenny Dorham)
  • Straight, No Chaser (Thelonious Monk)
  • Work Song (Nat Adderly)

Aebersold on the website: 你可以用预先录制好的伴奏或你的听众来表演 can provide accompaniment.

  1. Chord voicing realization of a standard jazz tune -(prepared),
  2. 标准爵士曲调的和弦发声实现由听众提供 time of the audition from list of suggested tunes.
  3.  从建议的曲调列表中选择标准爵士乐曲目. 表演应该包括你对旋律的诠释和即兴独奏. Suggested tunes may include blues pieces. This selection may be the same piece used in #1.
  4. 开放选择由未来的学生来展示他们的音乐 abilities are strongest. This selection may be fully notated and does not have to 做一件爵士乐作品,但强烈建议做一些反映爵士乐影响的作品. 从你的爵士乐队音乐或爵士练习曲的特色部分,如发现在爵士 Conception by Jim Snidero are also good choices.
  5. 大音阶及相关的调式和琶音,由听音者选择12个调中的任意一个.
  6. Easy level sight –reading of both notes and chord symbols

Suggested Repertoire:

  • Satin Doll (Ellington)
  • Autumn Leaves
  • Billie’s Bounce (Parker)
  • I’ve Got Rhythm (Gershwin)
  • Cotton Tail (Ellington)
  • Summertime (Gershwin)
  • Four (Miles Davis)
  • Blue Bossa (Kenny Dorham)
  • Straight, No Chaser (Thelonious Monk)
  • Work Song (Nat Adderly)

Aebersold on the website: . 你可以用预先录制好的伴奏或你的听众来表演 can provide accompaniment.

  1. 示范以下风格的拍子模式- 8小节乐句带填充物 在每个乐句的末尾:中节奏的摇摆,快节奏的摇摆(高达180 bpm), Bossa 新星,桑巴或曼波,Shuffle放克/嘻哈,民谣与刷子(可选).)
  2. 开放选择由未来的学生来展示他们的音乐 abilities are strongest. This selection may be fully notated and does not have to 做一件爵士乐作品,但强烈建议做一些反映爵士乐影响的作品. 爵士乐队音乐的特色部分或爵士鼓独奏练习曲也是不错的选择.
  3. Easy level sight-reading of a big band drum part.



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