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Office of Fiscal Planning and Analysis

Frequently Asked Questions

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General/Auxiliary Funds - Budgets

以下问题和答案是为各部门提供资料而汇编的 regarding how budgets will be managed in the SoarFin General Ledger. This document 重点是一般和辅助基金预算(基金代码以开头的预算) a 10, 12, or 13).

九游会国际将利用四种类型的预算 SoarFin总账模块:包括拨款、组织、收入估算、 and project/grant budgets. General and Auxiliary Funds will utilize the appropriation, organization, and revenue estimate budgets. Designated funds will utilize appropriation, 收入估算及项目/拨款预算(视乎指定基金的类别而定); and Restricted Funds will utilize project/grant budgets. This document will address budgeting only for General and Auxiliary Fund budgets.


如果部门人员接受过培训,他们可以获得登录名和密码 到SoarFin总账,这将允许他们在线查询,查看状态 ,并查看已根据预算处理的事务 in real time. Departments will not be able to change their budget online. A Budget 修改预算需要提交带有适当批准的修改表.
Employees can sign up for SoarFin workshops at the following page:
学校的所有固定职位都将在工资类别中进行预算 budget. 因此,仓位,除杂项汇集仓位资金外,认为 包括在工资和汇总职位的预算账簿是否存在于预算账簿中 with all other positions. This means that exempt and nonexempt (monthly and biweekly paid) employees will be shown together. The only item that will remain in the wage 而汇总岗位的预算账簿将是各部门的杂项工资金额 用于支付学生工、加班费、临时工和兼职教员的工资.
各部门可以将预算中作为转移支付的资金拆分为非强制性资金 or mandatory. 强制性转移资金用于偿债或赠款 匹配要求,部门不能随意使用这些资金,而非强制性 transfer funds generally do not have restrictions. Funds budgeted in either of these 类别可以转移到其他基金类型,如指定、限制 or plant funds.
Yes. 高校利用拨款和组织预算的特点 within SoarFin to accommodate this flexibility.
在SoarFin中,拨款和组织预算的定义将有助于解释 these types of budgets. An appropriation is the highest level of budgeting in SoarFin. 拨款是一个SoarFin术语,不应与拨款混淆 received by the University from the state of Mississippi. The appropriation budget 是否有控制预算,并且只要在类别内资金充足 在拨款预算中,一个部门将能够处理事务. The 拨款预算将分为两类:个人事务和其他. 个人服务类将增加工资(其中所有固定职位,非豁免) 并且豁免将预算)和附加福利类别结合在一起 类别将业务预算的其余类别合并在一起.

组织预算可以与现有拨款预算相关联,也可以单独关联. 组织预算将在更详细的层次上显示预算类别 that of an appropriation budget. Budgets will be displayed by the major categories: 薪金、工资、附加福利、差旅、合同服务、商品、设备、 资本支出(仅限图书馆),采购(仅限辅助),强制转移,以及 Nonmandatory Transfers.


Yes. 一般及辅助基金预算将会有一个组织预算 linked to an appropriation budget. This does not mean the budget is doubled. It just 意味着预算是联系在一起的,它们应该在总数上相等. The only difference will be the level of detail.
Organization Budget
Major Categories Budget Pre-Encumbered Encumbered Expended Remaining Budget
Salaries $100,000     $90,000 $10,000
Wages 10,000     9,000 1,000
Fringe Benefits 30,000     35,000 -5,000
Travel 5,000 1,000   1,000 3,000
Contractual Services 5,000   2,000 4,000 -1,000
Commodities 5,000     3,000 2,000
Equipment 0 0 0 1,000 -1,000
Totals $155,000 $1,000 $2,000 $143,000 $9,000
  Appropriation Budget
Major Category Budget Pre-Encumbered Encumbered Expended Remaining Budget
Personal Services $130,000     $125,000 $5,000
Other 25,000 1,000 2,000 18,000 4,000
Totals $155,000 $1,000 $2,000 $143,000 $9,000

注:个人服务类别由薪金预算类别组成 and Fringe Benefits. The Other category is comprised of all remaining budget categories. 这些类别包括工资、差旅、合同服务、商品、设备、 资本支出(仅限图书馆),强制性转移,非强制性转移和采购 (auxiliary only).

在本例中,请注意部门超出了边缘艺术节的预算金额 组织预算中的福利和订约承办事务类别. In addition, 这个部门甚至没有设备类的预算资金,但是有 expenditures that were charged against that budget category. However, this is not 这是一个问题,因为这些类别在拨款预算中是合并的,而部门 在个人服务和其他相关类别中仍有充足的资金.

SoarFin utilizes the concept of controlled budgets. This feature is important for two reasons. First, a department should not spend money that is not budgeted. Second, 大学的会计科目表可以有许多不同九游会国际的组合. 因此,通过使用控制预算功能,这将防止无效的图表 账户组合不被不当收费,并保持金融系统 from having inaccurate information. Currently the controlled budget feature is used 只是为了防止根据无效的预算或图表处理事务 field combination. While the system has the capability to stop transactions that exceed budgeted amounts, this functionality is currently not being used. As such, departments can spend more than is budgeted.
No. 各部门不应关心为将军编制收入估计 Fund budgets. 财政规划和分析办公室将制定这些估计. 辅助基金的收入估计预算应等于相关支出总额; 并应在预算和规划过程中加以考虑.

Contact Us

Office of Fiscal Planning and Analysis
McLemore Hall (MCL) 313
118 College Drive #5119
Hattiesburg, MS 39406

Hattiesburg Campus

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