

可用性: 哈蒂斯堡选项


How is 运动疗法 unique?

Kinesiotherapists were the pioneers in using adapted exercise and movement education to help individuals restore muscular strength and endurance thus regaining functional 独立. The curriculum focuses on the basic assessment and treatment skills that are applied in a variety of clinical settings. 

运动疗法 programs are accredited by the Commission on 认证 of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP). All CAAHEP accredited programs are assessed on an ongoing basis to assure that they meet the Standards and Guidelines of the profession.

运动疗法 is the only major on campus that includes two semesters of clinical internship in a therapeutic setting, which makes it a favorable major for those seeking any health professions career. 

The Southern Miss program prepares students to become Registered Kinesiotherapists (RKT) and take the RKT exam. During the most recent test cycle, 81 percent of Southern Miss graduates who took the exam passed on their first attempt.

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运动疗法 is a demanding discipline as there are only three years of coursework followed by a full year of hands-on internship experience. 要在…上成功 kinesiotherapy program, students must master the basic concepts of human anatomy and physiology as it applies to functional movement. They must be able to move from memorization to conceptualization and be fundamentally sound in their ability to critically think 抽象.

Students enrolled in the 运动疗法 program will learn specific clinical skills 如:

  • 手工肌肉测试
  • Goniometric measurement
  • Manual resistance exercise
  • Therapeutic exercise application
  • Correct fitting and instruction in the use of canes, crutches, and walkers
  • Progressive ambulation and gait training to include amputee prosthetic ambulation
  • Aerobic exercise implementation
  • Patient treatment documentation
  • 心电图的解释
  • Health Coaching Concepts and Application 

As a kinesiotherapy major you will complete two semesters of clinical internships, providing you with an opportunity to complete hands on practice and enhance skills gained in the classroom.

Student and Faculty Engagement with National Leaders of the Profession

Jerry Purvis, a 1967 Southern Miss graduate, serves as the program coordinator and is the Coordinator of the Council on Professional Standards for 运动疗法. 梅丽莎 Ziegler, a 2000 Southern Miss graduate, served as the Executive Director of the American 运动疗法 Association alongside her faculty duties from 2005-2018. 她目前 serves on the Medical Fitness Association Foundation board and as a member of many committees within the Medical Fitness Association.  Both are committed to continuous student interaction as both teaching approaches use a balance of both didactic instruction with hands-on practice of basic evaluation and treatment skills.

The American 运动疗法 Association sponsors the Lou Montalvano Memorial Scholarship. This five hundred dollar scholarship given to one 运动疗法 student each year that shows academic excellence, displays exceptional promise as a clinician and educator, expresses definite intentions to pursue certification and a career in 运动疗法 and shows potential for professional leadership. 更多的信息


度计划 可用性
  • Veterans Affairs Medical Centers
  • Workman’s compensation programs
  • Pre/Post rehabilitation Exercise Consultant
  • Hospitals, Wellness, and Rehabilitation Facilities
  • 国防部
  • Medical Fitness facilities
  • 唐·豪厄尔,1967年, 
    Past President, American 运动疗法 Association, Retired from the Veterans Administration
  • 苏珊·布朗,2004年, 
    Registered Kinesiotherapist, James A Haley VA Hospital and President of the American 运动疗法 Association, Tampa, FL
  • 朱莉娅·布雷迪,2014年,
    Registered Kinesiotherapist, Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System, Pensacola, FL
  • 梅根·纽曼,2013, 
    Graduate student, Occupational Therapy Program, University of Mississippi Medical 中心,杰克逊,MS
  • 特拉旺·罗宾逊,2010年, 
    Registered Kinesiotherapist, Memphis VA Medical Center, Memphis TN
  • Angela Larke Bickham, 2018,
    Graduate Student Physical Therapy, William Carey University 哈蒂斯堡, MS