







  • COVID管理
    • In February 2020, the University was affected by COVID-19. 我们被迫去适应 in order to offer services during the pandemic. 我们建立了 协议和指南 specific to The University of Southern Mississippi that would allow departments to manage operations in a safe and more effective manner throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective was not to eliminate all potential risks but to provide a systematic and feasible path for operation within the pandemic environment.
  • 扩大精神健康服务
    • The impact of COVID-19 led to widespread concerns about its unique effects on college 学生心理健康. Surveys of college students conducted after March 2020 have repeatedly suggested that psychological distress among college students has increased. We knew that mental health needs were critical, and we were able to expand our student counseling professional 团队 to include two new full-time clinicians and an outreach coordinator.
  • 认可医疗服务
    • 莫菲特健康中心 is a multi-service health care facility where all currently enrolled students and employees are eligible to receive the services. We are accredited by the 认证 Association for Ambulatory Health Care, Inc. (AAAHC) and have served the university 社区服务40多年. Our staff includes physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and registered nurses with a student-focused 任务 to provide quality, cost-effective comprehensive health care and educational services to the 大学社区.​
  • 认可警察服务
    • Through their continuing commitment to professional excellency in policy and practice, the University of Southern Mississippi's 警察局 has earned national re-accreditation from the Com任务 on 认证 for Law 执法机构(CALEA). The CALEA accreditation is the gold standard for public safety organizations, is critical in the delivery of high-quality public safety services, and promotes accountability. 
  • Inclusion and Multicultural Engagement
    • The Division created a space for our Inclusion and Multicultural Engagement 团队. The space allowed for staff expansion and inclusive spaces for our historically underserved students as they transition through their university career. 办公室 provides transformative experiences to foster the growth and development of historically 缺医少药社区.​
  • 兄弟会和姐妹会生活
    • Fraternity and sorority membership provides opportunities for personal growth, intellectual development, and connections that last throughout college and beyond. 随着我们的努力 to grow these organizations, the Division made a commitment to expand the staffing 并增强空间. We know that students who choose to become part of a 兄弟会或姐妹会 will be exposed to a well-rounded, co-curricular experience. ​
  • Orientation and Transition Programs
    • Over the past year, the Division welcomed the Office of Orientation and Transition Programs. Orientation, Golden Eagle Welcome Week (GEWW) and UNV 100 work together to introduce students to the people, offices and resources that will make them successful at the 大学及以上. The traditions of The University of Southern Mississippi are deeply treasured, and this office plays a vital role in providing and promoting these.​
  • 教育发展 
    • Since Spring 2020, the Division has worked to establish a culture of learning whereby our supervisors and advisors of students identify as educators.​
    • 我们创建了一个学期 教育者的撤退 to provide focused training and support. More than 100 educators across campus attended 这些撤退.
  • 培养过程中
    • Each semester, staff educators host and record short learning-focused conversations with as many of their student 团队 members as possible. 评估显示 培养过程中 影响力大吗. This strategic effort is on pace to scale considerably in the 未来几年.
  • 学术合作
    • In lockstep with partners in Academic Affairs, we’ve been transitioning to a curricular approach, known to Southern Miss as the 大学的支柱, designed to enhance the value of the collegiate student experience. 柱子, our beyond-the-classroom curriculum, will launch in dozens of departments and impact 成千上万的学生.​
    • The 教育者的撤退 has been a collaborative effort with the 教师发展中心 自2021年春季静修以来.​
  • Systematic Collection of Assessment Results and Actions
    • The OKR Framework is a systematic process to facilitate and catalogue assessment efforts across the Division by focusing on 目标及主要结果 (i.e.OKRs).​
    • The protocols for the OKR Framework have been in place since Fall 2018 and capitalize on the supervisory-employee relationship and short, impactful assessments.​
  • Clear Communication of Campus Programming 
    • The Division created a cross-divisional marketing professionals knowledge community 2022年夏天.​
    • With their guidance and buy-in, the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs (VPSA) created a first-of-its-kind 九游会国际活动日程表, which the marketing professionals continually update.​


Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs
210 R. C. 库克学生会



