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Professional Licensure and Certification Disclosures

Professional Licensure Disclosures

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For information about NC-SARA and state authorization, see the SARA web page

For information about different avenues for filing complaints related to USM enrollment, see the Complaints Web Page

For frequently asked questions, see the Frequently Asked Questions page


For a list of professional licensing boards created by national organizations, check the following resources:

Council on Licensure Enforcement and Regulation webpage

NC-SARA Licensure Directory for Counseling, Nursing, Psychology, Social Work and Teacher Education

US Department of Education Professional Licensure Page




The University of Southern Mississippi offers several programs leading to professional licensure or certification within the State of Mississippi. States vary in what professions they require to be licensed and how licensure functions. Some states require an individual to graduate from an approved program while others require an individual to meet certification requirements of a national organization. A specific amount of training can also be required as well as passage of an exam based on a state requisite exam score.

For purposes of the disclosures, per §34 CFR 668.43 (a)(5)(v) (requiring public disclosures), §34 CFR 668.43(c) (requiring direct disclosures), and per NC-SARA Rule 5.2 (which 要求参与NC-SARA的机构遵守联邦法规 要求专业执照披露),术语专业执照将 be used to cover all programs (traditional, online, hybrid) that are:

  • designed to meet educational requirements for a specific license (licensure and state certification) and are required for employment in an occupation, or
  • are marketed or advertised to meet those requirements

Licensure is a state-specific determination made by state professional licensing boards based on state-determined criteria.

认证构成国家认证,而不是由任何人认证 other public or private entity. 

适用于license申请的规则是指以下内容的规章制度 are in place at the time the student applies for licensure.


Many careers require you to meet specific licensing, training as well as other requirements.

State Authority.  执照要求是由各州管理的,而不是联邦政府 the criteria for licensure vary significantly from state to state.

Regulatory State Boards or National Entities. 每个州都有专业的执照委员会来规范标准 need to be met to qualify for licensure within a state.  Some professions are regulated by profession specific national entities. 

Approved to Lead to Licensure in Mississippi

九游会国际的课程就是为了满足这一需求而设计的 relevant requirements for programs in the State of Mississippi.

Types of Licensure Requirements

Licensure requirements may include

  • educational or degree requirements
  • state-specific course content
  • additional state required supervised field experience hours
  • professional examinations
  • background checks
  • work experience
  • character and fitness qualifications
  • fingerprinting
  • drug screening,
  • residency or citizenship requirements
  • and
  • other requirements.  


Typically, state licensing boards will have added requirements including among other requirements, a criminal background check, specialized courses, certain age of applicant, experience, citizenship requirements, added fees, and specifically the following types of requirements based on the field in one is being licensed:

  • 工程学——大多数州要求毕业后有额外的工作经验 for candidates who apply for licensure with an Applied Technology, B.S. (which is only accepted in a few states) or an Engineering Technology, B.S. or an Industrial Engineering Technology, B.S. Typically, this would be an additional four years of experience for a total of eight years of professional experience, instead of the four years required for those who graduate with an Engineering degree.
  • 医学实验室科学——只有一些州(加利福尼亚、佛罗里达、夏威夷、路易斯安那、 蒙大拿州、内华达州、纽约州、北达科他州、波多黎各、田纳西州和西弗吉尼亚州) require licensure.  Those states require academic and clinical prerequisites as well as passage of the ASCP (American Society for Clinical Pathology) national certification exam.  Mississippi does not currently require licensing of Medical Laboratory Scientist.   See the ASCP page for additional information for the certification exam.
  • Nursing- Mississippi is part of the enhanced Nursing Licensure Compact (e-NLC) along 包括亚利桑那州、阿肯色州、特拉华州、佛罗里达州、佐治亚州、爱达荷州、 爱荷华州,肯塔基州,马里兰州,缅因州,密苏里州,蒙大拿州,内布拉斯加州,新罕布什尔州,北部 卡罗来纳,北达科他州,俄克拉何马州,南卡罗来纳州,南达科他州,田纳西州,德克萨斯州, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming. For additional information about the e-NLC see the following website: e-NLC Implementation.
  • 社会工作-通过社会工作协会的考试分数 Boards (ASWB) exams based on type of license.  Information as to state requirements is listed on the ASWB website-
  • Teaching- additional coursework (i.e. a state history and state culture course), and distinct test scores on the Praxis in 46 of the 50 states [Arizona, Florida, Illinois and Michigan do not require the Praxis]. Those seeking a license as an administrator may need to have a specific number of years of experience. There may be additional 资格及/或取消资格(包括有关的犯罪记录) 执照申请人)适用于任何地方,州的教师工作 or federal entity.

International Licensure

其他国家及其执照委员会、执照和认证机构 may have specific requirements for a program to lead to professional licensure or certification.  It is the responsibility of the students to determine whether or not 完成他们选择的课程将满足任何教育要求 professional licensure in their country. Keep in mind that additional requirements 对于与教育无关的执照可以申请,学生应该联系 appropriate licensing agency/board within their country to obtain assistance in making a final determination.

Applicable Licensing Requirements

Licensure rules can change at any time.  Although a program may meet the educational 执照或证书要求最初,要求可能和经常做 change.  Therefore, the student should check with the licensure board or certifying entity throughout their enrollment to ensure that their program still meets the requirements.

在学生申请执照或认证时,执照 委员会或认证实体将适用当时的规则 are processing the licensure or certification application.

Relocating During The Course

在入学期间搬迁可能会对学生的学业产生不利影响 项目,符合州资格要求,和/或获得联邦财政援助 funding. If you are considering relocating, please check with your program prior to doing so.


Students intending to practice a licensed profession outside of Mississippi who plan to enroll in any University of Southern Mississippi education course(s), degree and/or 证书课程导致高级执照需要了解的状态 that they are going to be working in will likely have specific requirements in terms of additional courses that are needed to become licensed in their state.  We encourage 学生要与相应的许可机构沟通,寻求信息 and additional guidance prior to and throughout their collegiate journey as indicated below:

Initial Communication with Licensing Entity

Prior to applying to a program as well as prior to being accepted to a program, students are responsible for verifying that the program meets all requirements for licensure/certification once they complete the program.  This can be done by reaching out to the professional licensing board or licensing/certification entity overseeing the profession. 

USM has created a list of such entities and divided them under the college that oversees a particular program:

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Business and Economic Development

College of Education and Human Sciences

College of Nursing and Health Professions


Ongoing Communications with Licensing Entity

Requirements for licensing and certification may change over time.  To determine if 一个项目将导致执照/认证在一个州,学生应该联系 the appropriate licensing agency and/or organization for the latest information.


State Authorization

  • USM是国家授权委员会的参与机构 Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA) which allows us to provide distance learning programs and coursework to residents of states other than Mississippi.
  • 然而,NC-SARA会员资格并不给予互惠或免除我们的学生 state professional licensing requirements.
  • 因此,满足密西西比州的执照要求可能还不够 to obtain a license in any other state.  


Per 34 CFR 668.43 (c)(3)(ii), institutions must provide the Department of Education 根据学校的要求确定学生所在的学校. 为了实现这一目标,一个机构必须建立政策或程序来一致 determine where students are located. Institutions must determine where a student is located both at the time of enrollment in an institution and after receiving information 由学生提供,表明学生在期间的位置发生了变化 their enrollment. 

USM收集学生的位置信息作为注册过程的一部分 wherein students are asked to provide their physical location.  Each semester students must update their location information.


  • 在一个项目的过程中搬迁到另一个州可能会影响如果学生 是否可以继续留在项目中,满足州执照要求和/或继续 receive financial aid funding.
  • Prior to considering relocation, please contact your program to discuss authorization and licensure eligibility requirements.
  • Based on state specific rules and regulation in place at the time an individual submits 他们申请执照,每个州的专业执照委员会都可能有 distinct requirements in place.

Potential Changes in Licensure/Certification Requirements

  • Students who plan to pursue licensure or certification outside of the State of Mississippi 是否应该意识到专业执照/认证的要求可能会有所不同 这些需求可能会频繁变化,而且通常没有任何变化 notice.
  • While a program may originally meet the educational requirements for licensure/certification, changes in requirements could impact the program’s ability to meet any new educational requirements.
  • 学生应该经常与他们的州执照委员会确认执照 requirements.


  • 九游会国际能够提供远程教育(在线) 以及监督的实地经验)在NC-SARA成员国通过的州 our membership in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA).
  • 当你参加远程课程时,你是否应该搬到一个我们不在的地方 authorized to provide distance education, negative consequences may occur including, but not limited to, the loss of eligibility for certain forms of financial aid (including, but not limited to, Title IV financial aid eligibility, loan repayment or deferment, and/or veteran’s benefits), and/or in the inability to complete the academic program.
  • Each state professional licensing board has distinct standards. Therefore, relocation may adversely affect your ability to become licensed.  See our SARA page for a list of locations within which we can offer distance education. 
  • Should you have any questions regarding state authorization, please email stateauthorizationFREEMississippi
  • 要确定搬迁对经济援助的影响,学生应该咨询 the Financial Services Office and/or the Center for Military Veterans, Services Members and Families located at 3503 Morningside Drive Hattiesburg, MS 39406 to determine the impact of a change in location.

Background Checks

Students who are pursuing degrees that lead to professional licensure or (state) certification, 和/或谁将参加临床实习,实习或实践 通过他们的学位课程应该知道他们的主机设施可能需要 any or all of the following:

  • criminal background check
  • fingerprinting or
  • drug screening

In such situations, each student is responsible for obtaining and paying for the background check or other screening process and for delivering required documentation to the facility.


虽然大学将尽合理努力安排被录取的学生 实地经验和实习,将由主办机构决定 whether a student will be allowed to work at that facility.

Impact of Criminal Record on Licensure

  • Students should be aware that a criminal record may jeopardize licensure by the state certification body.
  • Students may consult the certification body corresponding to their intended occupation for more details.
  • Successful completion of a program of study at the University of Southern Mississippi does not guarantee licensure, certification or employment in the relevant occupation.


34 CFR 668.43 (a)(5)(v) - General Disclosures

If a program is designed to meet educational 对特定专业执照或认证的要求 for employment in an occupation, or is advertised 为满足上述要求,机构必须提供以下信息 readily available to enrolled or prospective students.

(A) A list of all States for which the institution has determined that its curriculum meets the State educational requirements for licensure or certification;  or

(B) A list of all States for which the institution has determined that its curriculum does not meet the State educational requirements for licensure or certification). (this is effective 7/1/2024)

34 CFR 668.43 (c) - Direct Disclosures

Prior to enrollment, direct disclosure is made if the program does not meet the educational requirements. The Department expects that the institution will provide 在学生签署入学协议之前,或者在发生 an institution does not provide an enrollment agreement, before the student makes a financial commitment to the institution.

如果学生参加了一个项目,并且学校做出了决定 该项目不符合该州的教育要求 student is located or the state to which the student has indicated they will relocate, the institution shall notify the student within 14 calendar days of discovering that the program does not meet the educational requirements.



The University of Southern Mississippi does not guarantee nor confirm that any program that fulfills Mississippi licensure requirements will satisfy the professional licensure boards standards/requirements in other states or territories. If you are a student applying to/admitted to a program that leads to professional licensure and intend to practice outside of the State of Mississippi, please contact the appropriate licensing agency in your state of residence before beginning a course of study.