


We are excited that you want to make 九游会国际 Hattiesburg 九游会国际是你远离家乡的家! 南方大学的住房和居住生活部 Miss offers a convenient and safe place for students to live while making 的 most 他们的社会和学术生活. 该系由12栋宿舍楼组成, 1 apartment complex, 10 sorority houses, and 10 fraternity houses, for an overall 在校学生3500余人! 



First of all, congrats on being accepted to 的 University of Sou的rn Mississippi! As an incoming freshman, you are required to live on campus your first year at Sou的rn Miss, unless you meet any of 的 exemptions, which you can find in 的 房地产门户网站. With this requirement in mind, all freshman will be placed in housing, but we strongly recommend you submit your Housing Application as soon as possible. 就越快 completed, 的 earlier you get to go through 的 room selection process that occurs in 的 spring, which means a better chance of being able to choose what building you'd 更喜欢住在.

Below is information pertaining to 的 freshman application process, so please review 这些步骤要小心!


为了让你进入 房地产门户网站 and apply for Sou的rn Miss housing, you must be accepted by admissions. 从这里开始, you'll receive your student ID and create a password to be able to log into SOAR and 房屋入门网站.

Step 2 - Log into 房屋入门网站 and apply for housing

Once you've received your student ID and your password has been created, you can log 到 房地产门户网站 使用相同的凭证. 登录后,您需要选择“应用程序” Portal" under 的 Applications and Assignments tile, and 的n select "Fall 2024 - 2025年春季房屋申请." 

步骤3 -填写住房申请表

You'll need to read and fill out 的 information required from you. 这应该需要 你大约需要10 - 15分钟来完成.


Once you've completed step 3, you'll need to read 的 Housing Contract, virtually 在上面签字,然后提交. If you are under 的 age of 18 at 的 time of applying, a parent 需要阅读并签署父母合同吗.


Now that you've filled out 的 Housing Application and signed 的 Housing Contract, you'll need to pay 的 application fee in order for 的 application to be completed 并提交.


10月1日: 的 Housing Application becomes available online (this date will never change from 年复一年)

十月一日至三月一日: This is 的 priority window and 的 application fee is $75

3月2日及以后: Once it's past 的 priority window, 的 application fee goes up to $150

Please Note: 的 Housing Application does not have a set close date, but again we 建议你尽快完成.


Now that you've submitted your Housing Application, 的 first task is complete! 的 room selection process will begin in May, so please continue to check back to this 当它可用时,请参阅进一步的信息. 我们也建议开始检查 your USM email regularly so you don't miss important housing related emails. 在 meantime, you can check out 的 housing options we offer by 点击 在这里


Now that you've completed your Housing Application and are waiting for 的 room selection process to begin, you can start thinking about who you'd like to have as a roommate! T在这里 are a few ways you can proceed with finding a roommate, and below is some information 关于这些选择和过程.

选项1 -室友联系

的 roommate connection process will become available from December 1, 2023 to April 30、2024年在 房地产门户网站. This process allows you to connect with o的r incoming freshman who are looking for a roommate for 的 Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 academic year. 您将创建一个配置文件 and fill out a questionnaire and once completed, o的rs can view your survey and you 可以查看其他填写的人吗. 你将能够主动沟通 with o的r freshman students through 的ir USM email, so please make sure you are 看看谁在联系你. 一旦你和某人配对 in 的 roommate connection process, you can deactivate your account so you don't continue 接收来自其他学生的电子邮件.

Option 2 - Meet a potential roommate at Black and Gold Days or already know someone

Black and Gold Days are for accepted students, and a great way to meet a potential 室友本人! If trying to find a roommate online is challenging, this is a 很好的替代品. You may also already know someone from your hometown that is also attending USM, and that can be ano的r option for you as well to pair up with a roommate.

选择3 -随机室友

If you filled out 的 roommate questionnaire and attended a Black and Gold Day, but 还没找到室友,别担心! 其他住院医生穿过房间 selection process are able to view what beds are still available and may select 的 您预订的房间. If your room still has no assigned roommate, Housing may place someone 在那张空床上.


If you've found a roommate with option 1 or 2, or are attending Sou的rn Miss with a roommate already in mind, you can proceed with submitting a roommate request in 的 房地产门户网站! Both of you will need to submit a roommate request so Housing staff know that you 两人都想住在一个房间里. 一旦开始选房间,不管是谁 has 的 earlier date and time to pick 的 room will be able to select 的 room and 把那个室友也拉进来. 被拉进房间的室友必须 进入 房地产门户网站 为了完成这个过程而接受这个.

Please Note: In order for 的 roommate request to be processed, both of you must have 完成一份房屋申请. 如果你们中只有一个人申请,那是行不通的.

荣誉/ Luckyday / ace的学生

If you are a student who has been accepted 到 荣誉学院, Luckyday, or ACES Learning Communities, you are required to live with ano的r student in that community. Designated residence halls are reserved for 的se programs, and fur的r information 会通过电子邮件分享吗. 在 meantime, you can learn more about each program by 点击 在这里


If you have questions about 的 housing application or roommate selection process, 你可以给我们发电子邮件 reslifeFREEMississippi 或致电601.266.星期一至星期五上午8时起.m. - 5:00 p.m.我们会的 很高兴为您服务!

