




Cynoscion nebulosus

共同的名字: 斑点鳟鱼,斑点鳟鱼,斑点

顺序: 鲈形目
家庭: 海葵科(鼓科)

斑点鳟鱼通常被称为斑点鳟鱼或斑点. 斑点西雅图鱼 an elongated, streamlined body with a slightly elevated back, long pointed head, and 倾斜的嘴巴,下颚延伸到上颚之外. 它们是银灰色的 或上侧和背部呈绿色,腹部呈渐变至白色. 上面的 背部有浅蓝色和紫色的闪光光泽. 黑点出现在 两侧的上部,背鳍和尾巴上. 背鳍和尾巴 是暗色的,尾巴边缘是黑色的. 其他鳍呈淡黄色或淡黄色. 的 overall coloration varies with water conditions, with 鱼 from stained inshore water 通常颜色较深,甚至有些金黄.

的 mouth often shows yellow coloration on the edges and interior, especially in 老er 鱼. 在上颚的前面有一颗或两颗突出的犬齿. 的 dorsal fin is long and separated by a deep notch into a spiny forward section and 柔软的后截面. 像其他的鱼在鼓科(如.g.红鼓,黑鼓, 沙鱼,地鲻鱼,花鱼,斑点...),侧线延伸至 尾巴. Occasionally, a "spotless speck" is encountered with no spots on the body; however, 尾巴和背鳍总是有斑点. 考虑一只6磅重的斑点西雅图鱼 大的,有时能抓到十磅. 雌性斑斑斑鹭可以存活 10岁,但很少有雄性能活到5岁以上. 因此,鱼类称重 5磅或更多的是典型的女性.  大鱼(身长超过22英寸) 有时被称为“鳄鱼鳟鱼”.“大型怀孕(有卵)的雌性经常 称为“母猪鳟鱼”."


Photo provided by Captain John Kumiski, Spotted Tail Fishing Charter Service.

的 nickname "yellowmouth" comes from the yellow interior of the mouth which is observed 更常发生在大鱼身上. 斑点斑鹭相对精致的嘴部结构 sometimes allows a hook to break free and earns the 鱼 the nickname "papermouth." 发现Seatrout are similar to two other saltwater trout species but are easily distinguished 他们的斑点. 沙鳟鱼,或白鳟鱼 Cynoscion arenarius和较小的银Seatrout Cynoscion nothus 看起来很像斑点西雅图鱼,但没有斑点. 一种食用鱼, Cynoscion regalis它的身体上有斑点,但鳍和尾巴上没有. 世界上没有软弱的鱼 墨西哥湾.


的 range of 发现Seatrout extends from Cape Cod to both coasts of Florida and throughout the entire 墨西哥湾, but they are most common along the northern 墨西哥湾和佛罗里达湾沿岸. 在密西西比州,它们来自近 fresh water in upper estuaries, throughout the Mississippi Sound, and out to water 深约30英尺的海湾.

Most 发现Seatrout spend their entire lives in or near the estuary in which they 有了. 在一个志愿者垂钓者为基础的运动鱼标签和释放研究进行 by the CFRD on 发现Seatrout in Mississippi coastal waters during the 1990’s, 221 of the 7,423 发现Seatrout tagged and released during years of the study were recaptured, with 90% of those recaptured within five miles of their tag-release location. 一个标签 study in Alabama showed that 53% of tagged 发现Seatrout 鱼 exhibited no movement, 而鱼类最长的游动距离不到20英里. 类似的结果 在路易斯安那州和佛罗里达州的研究中发现的. 不过,个别有几只斑点 它们偶尔会移动很长的距离.g.,一条鱼被标记在 佛罗里达州阿巴拉契科拉地区在路易斯安那州大岛附近恢复.

发现Seatrout are a schooling species, particularly when they are young. 他们支持 locations where there are current discontinuities, such as mouths of water bodies, 沟壑和壕沟,急转弯,以及底部轮廓的变化. 他们并不特别 attracted to hard bottoms but are often found near seagrasses and saltmarshes adjacent 到深沟渠.

During the pre-spawning period of February to early April, Mississippi 发现Seatrout are ‘scattered’ throughout their home range, but by mid-April, 鱼 老 enough to spawn typically move to the higher salinity waters of the lower bays, where they remain 整个产卵季节. 随着冷锋在秋天到达,它们移动到 lower-salinity estuaries, bayous, and the lower portions of rivers, often seeking warmer water temperatures in deep holes (thermal refuge) during c老 weather. 同样的, 发现Seatrout may take refuge in cooler deep water during extremely hot weather.


Growth rates vary with location and conditions, but at the end of their first year 斑斑斑鹭通常有10英寸长. 一般需要两年的时间 长到12英寸,两到三年后长到16英寸. 女性发现 Seatrout可以活10到12年,虽然很少. 被垂钓者捕获的大多数斑点斑鲷 不超过四五岁吗.

A study showed that about 30% of Mississippi female 发现Seatrout reach sexual 长度为11英寸时成熟. 性成熟雌性的比例增加到 12英寸占43%,13英寸占66%. 100%的雌性能够在长度为 14". 雄性成熟时的体型要小得多. 每次释放的蛋的数量 随着雌鱼年龄的增长,产卵的次数大大增加. 一个五岁的孩子 female can produce about five times as many eggs per spawning season as a one-year 老.


的 sonic muscle is a specialized muscle that vibrates against the swim 膀胱 to 在产卵季节发出声音来吸引雌性. 图片来源:Florida 鱼类和野生动物研究所.

的 name "drum" for this family of 鱼 comes from the ability of the male to produce a deep drumming sound that is used during courtship and sometimes when a 鱼 is distressed.  Spawning takes place in nearshore and estuarine waters and begins when water temperature 盐度有利(77 ~ 86 oF和17 ~ 35 ppt). 雄性斑点斑驳骨料 where there is good tidal current flow, in shallow bays and lagoons, or deeper channels 靠近草地的洼地,用“鼓”来吸引雌性. 的鼓点 sound is accomplished by the contraction of sonic muscles on either side of the swim 膀胱. 雄性在日落时开始鸣叫,产卵活动通常会继续 直到午夜时分. 雌性斑斑鹭是广播产卵者,而雄性斑斑鹭则是立即产卵者 当雌鱼将卵放生到水中时使其受精.

的 spawning season for 发现Seatrout in Mississippi is shorter than for other areas of the Gulf Coast, and the number of eggs produced per spawning event is lower. In coastal Mississippi, 发现Seatrout spawn over a five-month period from mid-April to mid-September, with some slight variation in the timing of the spawning season 年复一年,取决于水温. 斑点斑鹭是有能力的 spawning 1,000s of eggs multiple times throughout the reproductive season. 平均 two-year-老 发现Seatrout in Mississippi can release three to five million eggs 每一个季节. 对密西西比水域的斑鲷进行的研究表明 雌性从近海堰洲岛和圣. 路易湾 spawned more frequently (about every four days) than 鱼 examined from Biloxi Bay (每15-18天生成一次).

Spotted seatrout eggs are spherical, measuring approximately 1/32" in diameter (0.70-0.98 毫米),并包含一百万至四个油滴. 受精后大约18小时, 卵孵化成约1/16英寸长的幼虫.3-1.6 mm). 幼虫在水底避难 植被或贝壳碎石以躲避捕食者. 在6-8周龄的幼鱼 have reached a length of one to two inches (25-50 mm in length) and begin to form 鱼群可能多达50只. 斑点斑鹭成熟后,幼鸟开始移动 to seagrass beds, sandy bottoms, muddy bottoms, and shell reefs where they continue 他们成年后的生活.


Growth and Development of Aquacultured 发现Seatrout: 的 University of Southern 密西西比泰德科克伦海洋水产养殖中心. TCMAC照片.

weight-length图表较大的鱼类是斑鲷的主要捕食者, however, bottlenose dolphins and predatory birds such as ospreys, cormorants and pelicans also feed on Spotted Seatrout.

较大的鱼类是斑鲷的主要捕食者. 瓶鼻海豚 and predatory birds such as ospreys, cormorants, and pelicans also predators.


发现Seatrout are managed in each Gulf and South Atlantic state by specific catch/harvest 规定. 在密西西比水域,斑点西雅图鱼被作为一个单一的种群来管理. Recreational limits are a minimum total length of 15 inches and 15 鱼/person daily 占有. 的 commercial harvest is regulated by a minimum total length of 14 inches 每年的总允许捕获量(TAC)限额为50,000磅.






海洋泉,MS 39564



FisheriesFREEMississippi % 20


