
戴尔战争研究中心 and 社会








In 2021, the 戴尔战争研究中心 & 社会成为了一个赞助商 《九游会国际》历史造就”系列. Since its founding in 2017, over two thousand scholars have contributed 到“历史创造”.”  Among those scholars are Dale Center faculty and students working diligently to contribute to public conversations on the pressing issues of 的那一天.

Currently led by three historians—Kathryn Cramer Brownell (Purdue University), Carly Goodman (La Salle University), and Brian Rosenwald (University of Pennsylvania).  “历史造就” produces rigorous historical analysis of current events and public debates in an easily digestible format for the general public. 这种组合提供了 a powerful platform for amplifying the work of historians for millions of readers 世界各地. 

When asked how this partnership developed, Dale Center Co-Director Dr. 希瑟米. Stur评论道: 

Before the Dale Center partnered with “历史造就,” Andy Wiest and I had both written pieces for the section as part of our commitment to public engagement. 从 there, we as a Center realized that “历史造就” is doing something that has always been at the heart of the Dale Center's mission -- to connect with the public by providing historical context for the major military and security issues of our time. It made sense to us to support “历史造就” as an extension of our mission. In turn, the partnership gives our graduate students and faculty who are interested in writing for a public audience the opportunity to learn from professional journalists 关于流程. We hope that the workshops with “历史造就” editors will result in more public content from Dale Center experts.

Since the official partnership began, USM faculty, graduate students, and alumni have participated in an in-depth seminar with the "历史造就" editorial team on historical 为大众写作.  Subsequently, several USM faculty and students have published essays that help the public form a deeper understanding of the historical 时事背景.  As a testament to their outstanding work, “Made 《九游会国际》收到了 2022 Friend of History Award from the Organization of American Historians (OAH). This award is given annually in recognition of an institution, organization, or individual working primarily outside college or university settings, for outstanding support of historical research, the public presentation of American history, or the OAH的工作.

When asked about the experience and process of writing for “历史造就” and working with the editorial staff, Dale Center alum John DeLee (MA, 2022) commented: 

Writing for “历史造就” is a great publishing opportunity for graduate students. It is an amazing feeling to see your name on an article that shares space with some 最知名的历史学家之一. Through the editorial review process, you experience how fellow historians critique and offer improvements on your work. 从初次提交开始 to the communication with the editors over corrections and possible content inclusion to final publication, the process helps to improve your skills as a writer and historian. It is also nice to receive feedback from someone outside of your academic institution, as you feel you have broken out of the teacher-student role into one where you are a cohort within the historical profession. 我的报告特别令人愉快, as I was able to combine both my historical knowledge as well as my personal military experiences to help shape peoples' understanding on some of the issues involved with 从阿富汗撤军.

DeLee’s experience demonstrates how “历史造就” provides a platform for scholars to foster vital connections between academia and the public to help readers come away not only with a sense of the root causes and contours of today’s most urgent challenges but also with a better understanding of how historians think and work. “历史造就” explores how cultural values, political practices, governing institutions, and economic structures have changed over time, creating a back story for the crises of the moment, one that the public must know if we are to tackle challenging problems and chart an 通往未来的光明之路.


约翰·迪利(戴尔中心硕士),  U.S. Military’s Longtime Reliance on Contractors Fueled Afghanistan Loss2021年10月7日

Dr. Michael Doidge(戴尔中心博士), 对美国来说.S. military, Coronavirus Vaccination is Akin to Body Armor2021年8月19日

Dr. Andrew Wiest, (Dale Center Founding Director) 美国.S. 没有从越南战争中吸取教训. 它会向阿富汗学习吗?2021年8月16日

Dr. 约瑟夫·彼得森(USM历史系), What Tucker Carlson’s Trip to Hungary Reveals About the State of our Politics2021年8月11日

Dr. 希瑟米. 斯图尔(戴尔中心联合主任), Men-only Selective Service Registration May End Soon, But the Fight will Remain2021年4月15日

The Dale Center's partnership with "历史造就" is made possibler by the generosity 几个捐助者.  To make a contribution, please see the Dale Center's 捐赠页面.

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