
戴尔战争研究中心 and 社会

DC YouTube频道和视频


The Dale Center hosts a YouTube Channel, where we house video clips of several of 我们的讲座和其他活动.  为了验证它, 点击这里.  In addition, our faculty have given presentations on various topics across the 国家和世界各地.  Some of those video presentations are listed below.



Dr. Douglas W. 布里斯托尔、小.:

  • “黑人退伍军人和战后机会.” Dr. 布里斯托尔的演讲是 the University of Central Florida's mini-conference “Black Veterans Matter: The Long March Home,” which explored the lives of African American veterans, their trials and 胜利,当他们从战争中归来. 看, 点击这里.
  • “利街暴乱”(只有音频).  Dr. Bristol's interview on "Top of the Mind" with host Julie Rose on BYU Radio from the campus of Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah explores the 1942 confrontation between African American soldiers and white military police during World 战争 II that became known as the Lee Street Riot.  倾听, 点击这里.

Dr. 凯文·格林:

  • 《越南:国外战争,国内冲突.“Drs. 凯文·格林和安德鲁·韦斯特发言 as part of the "History Is Lunch" series hosted by the Mississippi Department of Archives 和历史.  Dr. Greene discussed the ways in which the draft and the war affected southern culture, southern colleges and universities, southern politics, and the Civil 密西西比州的人权运动. 看, 点击这里.

Dr. 希瑟米. Stur:

  • 图书讲座 Saigon at 战争: South Vietnam and the Global Sixties 由剑桥大学出版社主办. Dr. 斯特尔研究了政治和文化 dynamism of the Republic of Vietnam until its collapse on April 30, 1975. 看, 点击这里.
  • 《谁来讲述越南战争的故事?” Dr. 斯图尔的讲座是“越南”的一部分 战争 / American 战争 Stories: A Symposium on Conflict and Civic Engagement” hosted by 印第安纳大学. She discussed how the voices of South Vietnamese, women, and U.S. support troops are crucial for understanding how the conflict developed and played out, what its consequences were, and what its legacies are. 看, 点击这里.
  • 越南战争(1964-1973)." Dr. Stur's lecture was part of the Foreign Policy 研究 Institute's "Teaching Military History" series "Why Does America Go to 战争?她讨论道 three motivations behind the United States' gradual intervention in Vietnam, including 共产主义、冷战和信誉. 看, 点击这里.
  • c - span图书讨论 除了战斗." Dr. 斯特尔讨论了她的书 除了战斗: Women and Gender in 越南战争 Era. She talked about the different roles both American and Vietnamese women had during 越南战争. 看, 点击这里.

Dr. 肯尼斯·斯沃普:

  • “Experiencing 战争 in Seventeenth Century China” from Confucius Institute at University 密歇根. Dr. Swope discussed the tumultuous Ming-Qing dynastic transition, which was one of the bloodiest and longest in China’s history, and the literature that was 期间生产的. He examined how people experienced war in early modern China, highlighting particular cultural responses and considering the Chinese experience 与其他时间和地点相比. 看, 点击这里.

Dr. Andrew王寅:

  • 《越南:国外战争,国内冲突.“Drs. 凯文·格林和安德鲁·韦斯特发言 as part of the "History Is Lunch" series hosted by the Mississippi Department of Archives 和历史. Dr. 王寅 drew on interviews conducted with hundreds of Vietnam veterans to examine how the strategic failures impacted soldiers and their families back home. 看, 点击这里.
  • c - span. “U.S. 海军陆战队 at the Battle of Guadalcanal” as part of the Battle of Guadalcanal Symposium hosted by the National WWII Museum. Dr. 韦斯特谈到了美国.S. 海军陆战队 who fought at the Battle of Guadalcanal between August 1942 and February 1943. To 手表, 点击这里.
  • “The Vietnam 战争 at 50: The Vietnamese Perspective Part I with Andrew 王寅” hosted by Virginia Military Institute's Center for Leadership and Ethics. Dr. 王寅讨论 the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN), outlining what ARVN was, and what were some of its kinetic abilities in both the pacification and the big unit war. 看, 点击这里.
  • c - span. 《历史讲座:越南战争.” Dr. 威斯特,在当地人的帮助下 veteran John Young, talked about 越南战争, focusing on the Mekong Delta. 王寅 spoke about the strategic importance of the area and John Young described what it 就像在那里打架一样. 看, 点击这里.
  • "Vietnam's Forgotten Army: Heroism and Betrayal in the ARVN" by The US Army Heritage 和教育中心与美国.S. 陆军战争学院. Dr. 韦斯特谈到了范范 Dinh and Tran Ngoc Hue, who were two of the brightest young officers in the Army of the Republic of Vietnam, and how the two officers ended up taking two very different 越南战争期间的道路. 看, 点击这里.
  • c - span图书讨论 67年的男孩们.在这次采访中. 韦斯特讨论了他的书 The Boys of ’67: Charlie Company’s 战争 in Vietnam and the men’s experiences during 越南战争. He explored what the soldiers experienced during the war as well as after they returned home. 看, 点击这里.

Dr. 凯尔F. Zelner:

  • For the "Perspectives in Military History Annual Lecture Series," hosted by the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center and the U.S. 陆军战争学院. Zelner讨论 his book “Rabble in Arms: Massachusetts Towns and Militiamen during King Philip's 战争."  Zelner's talk focused on the first major military crisis to affect the Massachusetts Bay Colony and drew on muster and pay lists to demonstrate that Essex County’s more upstanding citizens were spared from the draft while the “rabble” were forced to fight. 看, 点击这里.


  • At the 2022 Mississippi Book Festival in Jackson, the Dale Center sponsored the panel, “World 战争 II from the Air,” which was televised live on C-SPAN. 由获奖嘉宾主持 syndicated editorial cartoonist and author Marshall Ramsey, the panel explored the Second World 战争 from the perspective of air combat operations. 特邀主持人 《九游会国际》的作者凯文·毛雷尔 Damn Lucky: One Man's Courage During the Bloodiest Military Campaign in Aviation History 詹姆斯·M. 斯科特是《 Black Snow: Curtis LeMay, the Firebombing of Tokyo, and the Road to the Atomic Bomb. 看, 点击这里.